Submit your paper for the 15th Spanish Passive House Conference until June 23!

We are pleased to announce that the Call for Papers for the 15th Spanish Passive House Conference (15CEPH) in Valencia is open now until 23rd June 2023.

Changes in terms of submission:

  1. There will be a single evaluation round of proposals this year.
  2. It will be mandatory to include two specific sections in the writing of the article (see presentation template)

Format and length:

The full article must be sent filling in the template provided with a minimum extension of 4 pages and a maximum of 6 pages (images included).

The file format must be Word (.doc)

The file name must follow this structure: “15CEPH_NAME_SURNAME_ARTICLE TITLE”.

Article template:

Other considerations:

We are looking for articles and technical presentations of a didactic, non-commercial nature, otherwise Plataforma PEP reserves the right to modify it or NOT PUBLISH IT. Be sure of the message you want to convey in your communication and try not to list collaborating companies and/or manufacturers.

Remember that prior basic-level explanations on Passivhaus principles or similar are not necessary.

The guidelines and mandatory sections are an essential requirement. The Plataforma PEP reserves the right to reject the presentation until the article and its .ppt have been reviewed and approved.

Where to send it:


23 June 2023

Other dates to consider:

Confirmation of acceptance/rejection of papers in July.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to publicise your Passivhaus project or experience at the main event on net Zero Energy and high-comfort buildings in Spain!

We also kindly ask you to forward this call to all those people you know who may be interested in submitting a paper.

We hope to see you at the Conference in Valencia!